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Jews You Should Know

Sep 25, 2017


Malcolm Hoenlein is the Executive Vice President of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Beginning with his leadership at the forefront of the Soviet Jewry movement, Mr. Hoenlein has traveled the world advocating for oppressed and endangered Jews - and all minorities - for the past 50 years. As the head of the largest umbrella organization in the Jewish world, he has successfully balanced disparate interests and agendas by promoting a unifying agenda. A staunch defender of Israel, Mr. Hoenlein has met with presidents and world leaders in an attempt to consolidate support and publicize the righteousness of the pro-Israel cause.

In this episode, Mr. Hoenlein describes his personal background and ascension to his current position; relates some wonderful anecdotes of meetings with prominent religious and political leaders; and leaves us with a wonderfully inspiring closing message: "Not everybody can do everything, but everybody can do something to change the world."



Jews You Should Know introduces the broader community to interesting and inspiring Jewish men and women making a difference in our world. Some are already famous, some not yet so. But each is a Jew You Should Know.

The host, Rabbi Ari Koretzky, is Executive Director of MEOR Maryland (, a premier Jewish outreach and educational organization. MEOR operates nationally on twenty campuses and in Manhattan; visit the national website at

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A special thank you to Jacob Rupp of the Lift Your Legacy podcast for his invaluable production assistance.