Aug 10, 2020
Adina Lichtman was "only" a college student at NYU when she met Diego, a man experiencing homelessness in her otherwise upscale environs. A revelation she had in this encounter led to the founding of Knock Knock Give a Sock, a fabulous organization helping to sensitive people to the plight of homelessness by transforming "transactions" into "interactions." Adina's passionate and creative blend of cross-demographic meetings, community events and yes, sock donations, has catalyzed KKGS to prominence in the battle against homelessness, restoring dignity and hope to so many in the process.
Jews You Should Know introduces the broader community to interesting and inspiring Jewish men and women making a difference in our world. Some are already famous, some not yet so. But each is a Jew You Should Know.
The host, Rabbi Ari Koretzky, is Executive Director of MEOR Maryland (, a premier Jewish outreach and educational organization. MEOR operates nationally on twenty campuses and in Manhattan; visit the national website at
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A special thank you to Jacob Rupp of the Lift Your Legacy podcast for his invaluable production assistance.