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Jews You Should Know

Dec 31, 2020


Rabbi Aharon Rakeffet is a Torah scholar, author, historian and living embodiment of modern Jewish history. Above all, though, he is a rebbe (teacher): to thousands of talmidim (students) over a 62-year teaching career, and through his range of books, both scholarly and popular.

Dec 25, 2020

Timely messages on the weekly Torah portion or upcoming Jewish holidays.

Dec 23, 2020


Jonathan (Yonason) Rosenblum is a prolific biographer, columnist and Jewish public intellectual. He has covered some of the most fascinating figures of recent Jewish history. And from his perch within the Chareidi/Ultra-Orthodox world, Rosenblum brings a refreshing and nuanced "critical" eye,...

Dec 18, 2020

Timely messages on the weekly Torah portion or upcoming Jewish holidays.

Dec 11, 2020

Timely messages on the weekly Torah portion or upcoming Jewish holidays.