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Jews You Should Know

Feb 18, 2019


Debbie Kodish came to Israel with a limited Hebrew and quickly entered the world of high finance as one of its only female participants at that time. Her rise through the investment banking world mirrors the country's development as a center of foreign investment, and as an environment far more hospitable to both immigrants and women.

In time Debbie redirected her prodigious financial acumen and fundraising skills towards MEOR, a leading provider of identity-forming Jewish education for students on leading college campuses, and young professionals across the United States. MEOR is also the full-time professional home of our host, marking this as a special episode in the Jews You Should Know collection.



Jews You Should Know introduces the broader community to interesting and inspiring Jewish men and women making a difference in our world. Some are already famous, some not yet so. But each is a Jew You Should Know.

The host, Rabbi Ari Koretzky, is Executive Director of MEOR Maryland (, a premier Jewish outreach and educational organization. MEOR operates nationally on twenty campuses and in Manhattan; visit the national website at

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A special thank you to Jacob Rupp of the Lift Your Legacy podcast for his invaluable production assistance.