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Jews You Should Know

Mar 12, 2018


Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski may be the individual most responsible for destigmatizing mental health and addiction treatment in the Jewish world. Author of 84 (!!) books on psychological topics as well as innumerable titles on Jewish wisdom, he is one of the most widely-read and admired personalities in the global Jewish community.

In this episode, Dr. Twerski takes us on a journey through his childhood in Milwaukee, his early psychiatric work and founding of Gateway Rehabilitation Center, his passions and writings, and concerns for the future. It is an honor to hear from this Jewish national treasure and, despite some audio challenges, his unique voice comes as both rich and rewarding.



Jews You Should Know introduces the broader community to interesting and inspiring Jewish men and women making a difference in our world. Some are already famous, some not yet so. But each is a Jew You Should Know.

The host, Rabbi Ari Koretzky, is Executive Director of MEOR Maryland (, a premier Jewish outreach and educational organization. MEOR operates nationally on twenty campuses and in Manhattan; visit the national website at

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A special thank you to Jacob Rupp of the Lift Your Legacy podcast for his invaluable production assistance.